10ZiG is a leader in thin clients and zero clients for VDI (Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure). Digitally Accurate Inc. has been a trusted 10ZiG partner since 2016.

Digitally Accurate Inc. can help you choose which 10ZiG thin client and/or zero client is right for you. We can provide sizing, pricing, and sales for 10ZiG product. We can also provide consulting services and assistance with your 10ZiG product, including the 10ZiG Manager which is free (and always will be).
10ZiG Thin Client Offerings Include:
- 10ZiG 4600 Series Thin Client (Value Class)
- 10ZiG 4500 Series Thin Client (4K Value and Security Class)
- 10ZiG 6000 Series Thin Client (Performance Class)
- 10ZiG 6100 Series Thin Client (Performance Class, 4K Resolution, Quad Display)
- 10ZiG 7700q, 7800q, and 7900q Series Thin Client (Peripherals Power Class)
- 10ZiG 9900 Series Thin Client (Ultra Power and Security)
10ZiG Zero Client Offerings Include:
- 10ZiG 4648q Series Zero Client (Value Class)
- 10ZiG 4548q Series Zero Client (4K Value and Security Class)
- 10ZiG 6048q Series Zero Client (Performance Class)
- 10ZiG 6148 Series Zero Client (4K Quad Display Power Class)
- 10ZiG 7548q Series Zero Client (Laptop Zero Client)
- 10ZiG 7748q and 7948q Series Zero Client (All in One)
- 10ZiG 9948 Series Zero Client (Ultra Power and Security)
- 10ZiG V1200 Series Zero Client (Tera2 PCoIP Portal Processor)
10ZiG Manager Offering Includes:
- 10ZiG Manager (Free for use with 10ZiG Zero Clients)
10ZiG PC Repurposing Offering Includes:
- 10ZiG PC Repurposing Software (Repurpose PCs, Laptops, and Computers in to VDI Zero Clients)
Contact Digitally Accurate Inc. today for all your 10ZiG needs! We can provide stock availability, pricing, licensing, solution design, and anything else you may require.